Economic Development Commission
Tuesday, May 1st 2012 Room 311
Attendance: Stephen Michna, Jim Thibault, Greg Mele, Bill Battle, Nancy Sieller, TJ Zappulla, Dawn Gutowski, Tim Waldron
Chairman Jim Thibault called the meeting to order at 5:02pm.
Greg Mele made a motion to open the meeting to the public, seconded by Stephen Michna.
On a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting by Greg Mele, and seconded by Dawn Gutowski the minutes were accepted. Nancy Sieller and TJ Zappulla abstained in this vote.
Mayoral Aide Tim Waldron gave an update on behalf of Rose Ponte, he informed the committee that the second downtown mural grant had been awarded and that the City was moving forward on this project. He also informed the group about a recent zoning change that was passed by the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Jim Thibault updated the group on proposed subcommittees, including one for an EDC website. The subcommittees will meet outside of the regularly scheduled EDC meetings and will report on their activity to the full EDC.
Jim Thibault passed around the updated questions for the Business Visitation visits scheduled to begin in September. Discussion took place in scheduling visits with Rose Ponte, Mayor Bingham and an EDC member.
Bill Battle reported to the EDC that a new partnership among the New Haven Register and the Register Citizen is due to begin. He will be penning an article to appear in both of these publications on a variety of topics, including Economic Development.
The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Bill Battle, seconded by Nancy Sieller. Meeting was adjourned at 5:42pm.
Respectfully submitted: Tim Waldron